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Wednesday, November 23, 2022

ICSE 2018: A pea plant which is homozygous for Green pods which are inflated [GGII] is crossed with a homozygous plant for yellow pods which are constricted [ggii]

ICSE 2018:

Q. A pea plant which is homozygous for Green pods which are inflated [GGII] is crossed with a homozygous plant for yellow pods which are constricted [ggii]. Answer the following questions: [5 marks] 

(i) Give the phenotype and genotype of the F1 generation. Which type of pollination has occurred to produce F1 generation? 

(ii) Write the phenotypic ratio of the F1 generation. 

(iii) Write the possible combination of the gametes that can be obtained if two F1 hybrid plants are crossed. 

(iv) State Mendel’s law of ‘Segregation of Gametes’. 

(v) What is the scientific name of the plant which Mendel used for this experiment on inheritance?


Monday, November 21, 2022

ICSE 2018 : The diagram below represents a process in plants. The setup was placed in bright sunlight.

ICSE 2018 

Q. The diagram below represents a process in plants. [5 marks]  

The setup was placed in bright sunlight. Answer the following questions:

(i) Name the physiological process depicted in the diagram. Why was oil added to the water? 

(ii) When placed in bright sunlight for four hours, what do you observe with regard to the initial and final weight of the plant? Give a suitable reason for your answer. 

(iii) What happens to the level of water when this setup is placed in: 
      1. Humid conditions?      2. Windy conditions? 

(iv) Mention any three adaptations found in plants to overcome the process mentioned in (i). 

(v) Explain the term ‘Guttation’


Saturday, November 12, 2022

ICSE 2018: Given below is a diagram of a human blood smear. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow

ICSE 2018

Q. Given below is a diagram of a human blood smear. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow: [5 marks]

(i) Name the compound numbered ‘1’ to ‘4’. 

(ii) Mention two structural differences between the parts ‘1’ and ‘2’. 

(iii) Name the soluble protein found in part ‘4’ which forms insoluble threads during clotting of blood. 

(iv) What is the average lifespan of the component numbered ‘1’? 

(v) Component numbered ‘1’ do not have certain organelles but are very efficient in their function. Explain


Thursday, November 10, 2022

ICSE 2018: The diagram given below shows the internal structure of a spinal cord depicting a phenomenon.

ICSE 2018 

Q. The diagram given below shows the internal structure of a spinal cord depicting a phenomenon. Study the diagram and answer the questions: [5]

(i) Name the phenomenon that is depicted in the diagram. Define the phenomenon. 

(ii) Give the technical term for the point of contact between the two nerve cells. 

(iii) Name the parts numbered 1, 2 and 3. 

(iv) How does the arrangement of neurons in the spinal cord differ from that of the brain? 

(v) Mention two ways by which the spinal cord is protected in our body.


Sunday, November 6, 2022

ICSE 2018: A potted plant with variegated leaves was taken in order to prove a factor necessary for photosynthesis.

ICSE 2018

Q. A potted plant with variegated leaves was taken in order to prove a factor necessary for photosynthesis. The potted plant was kept in the dark for 24 hours and then placed in bright sunlight for a few hours. Observe the diagram and answer the questions. [5]


(i) What aspect of photosynthesis is being tested in the above diagram? 

(ii) Represent the process of photosynthesis in the form of a balanced equation. 

(iii)Why was the plant kept in the dark before beginning the experiment? 

(iv)What will be the result of the starch test performed on leaf ‘A’ shown in the diagram? Given an example of a plant with variegated leaves. 

(v) Draw a neat labelled diagram of a chloroplast.


Saturday, November 5, 2022

Structure of Human Sperm

In humans, there are two types of gametes been produced: in females, non-motile egg and in males, motile sperm. 

Millions of sperms race against each other to fertilize the egg. Out of millions of sperms, one sperm wins and succeeds in fertilizing the egg. When the nucleus of a human sperm fuses with egg, the process is termed as fertilization.

In this article, we will study the structure of Human Sperm in details and know about the functions each part of Human Sperm.  We will also answer interesting facts related to Human Sperm and fertilization process such as:

  • What is so unique about every sperm which makes it faster than the other sperms? 
  • Once a sperm fertilizes an egg, how does it prevent other sperms from entering the egg? How is polyspermy prevented?
  • How is sex of a child determined?
  • Is it correct to blame women for giving birth to only girl child?

ICSE 2018: Given below are diagrams showing the different stages in the process of fertilization of an egg in the human female reproductive tract.

ICSE 2018 

Q. Given below are diagrams showing the different stages in the process of fertilization of an egg in the human female reproductive tract. [5 marks] 

Study the diagrams and answer the questions: 

(i) Arrange the letters given below each diagram in logical sequences to show the correct order in the process of fertilization. 

(ii) Where does fertilization normally take place? What is ‘Implantation’ that follows fertilisation 

(iii) Mention the chromosome number of the egg and zygote in humans. 

(iv) Explain the term ‘Gestation’. How long does Gestation last in humans? 

(v) Draw neat, labelled diagram of a mature human sperm.


ICSE 2018: The diagram given below is that of a structure present in a human kidney.

ICSE 2018: 

The diagram given below is that of a structure present in a human kidney. [5 marks] 

Study the same and answer the questions that follow:

(i) Name the structure represented in the diagram. 

(ii) What is the liquid entering part ‘1’ called? Name two substances present in this liquid that are reabsorbed in the tubule. 

(iii) What is the fluid that comes to part ‘2’ called? Name the main nitrogenous waste in it. 

(iv) Mention the three main steps involved in the formation of the fluid mentioned in (iii) above. 

(v) Name the substance which may be present in the fluid in part ‘2’ if a person suffers from Diabetes mellitus.


Friday, November 4, 2022

Know all about AP Biology Exam

What is AP Biology Exam?

Advance Placement Biology Or AP Biology is an introductory college-level biology course conducted by the College Board of United States of America (USA) for students who want to pursue life sciences at college level. 

AP Biology helps to cultivate understanding of the biology concepts among the students through inquiry or experiment-based investigations. It helps to better understand the theoretical concepts via practical experiments. The topics covered in AP Biology course includes: evolution, cellular processes, energy and communication, genetics, information transfer, ecology, and interactions.

Difference between Monohybrid and Dihybrid Cross

Mendel performed two types of crosses to study Laws of Inheritance: 
  • Monohybrid cross and 
  • Dihybrid cross

When in a cross between two parents, only one pair of allelomorph (contrasting character) is studied, it is called as Monohybrid cross whereas in a Dihybrid cross, two pairs of contrasting characters are studied while performing cross between two parents.

Let's study the differences between Monohybrid and Dihybrid Cross.

Mendel's Law of Dominance

Law of Dominance is the first law of inheritance, given by Gregor Mendel which states that "out of a pair of allelomorphic characters, one is dominant over the other."  

When monohybrid cross was performed by Mendel, the F1 generation showed the ratio of 3:1 between dominant and recessive character.

ICSE 2017 - Class 10 Biology Board Question Paper

Class 10 Biology Board Question Paper - ICSE 2017

The question paper carries total of 80 marks and is divided into two sections, each carrying 40 marks. From Section-I, all questions have to be answered where as from Section-II, can attempt any 4 questions.

General Instructions:
  • Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. 
  • You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. 
  • This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. 
  • The time given at the head of the paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.

ICSE 2015 - Class 10 Biology Board Question Paper

Class 10 Biology Board Question Paper - ICSE 2015

The question paper carries total of 80 marks and is divided into two sections, each carrying 40 marks. From Section-I, all questions have to be answered whereas from Section-II, can attempt any 4 questions.

General Instructions:
  • Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. 
  • You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. 
  • This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. 
  • The time given at the head of the paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.

ICSE 2016 - Class 10 Biology Board Question Paper

Class-10 Biology Board Question Paper - ICSE 2016

The question paper carries total of 80 marks and is divided into two sections, each carrying 40 marks. From Section-I, all questions have to be answered whereas from Section-II, can attempt any 4 questions.

General Instructions:
  • Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately. 
  • You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. 
  • This time is to be spent in reading the question paper. 
  • The time given at the head of the paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.

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